
2024-04-27 2:36:52 欧洲杯直播 facai888

Title: Sports Lesson Plan for Elementary School in English


This sports lesson plan is designed for elementary school students learning English as a second language. The goal of this lesson is to introduce sports vocabulary in English while teaching basic skills required for team sports.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and say the names of different sports in English, and acquire basic skills relevant to team sports, such as throwing, catching and teamwork.


• Pictures of various sports

• Basketballs, soccer balls, and volleyballs

• Cones or markers


1. Warmup Activity (5 mins):

Start the class with a warmup activity such as stretching or jumping jacks to get the students' blood flowing. Then introduce yourself and ask students to introduce themselves using their name and favorite sport.

2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 mins):

Show pictures of different sports, name the sport and ask students to repeat it after you. Repeat the exercise several times to ensure that students have learned the names of the sports. Some examples of sports to show include soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming.

3. Basic Skills Practice (20 mins):

Divide the class into groups of 45 students and provide each group with a ball (soccer ball, basketball, or volleyball). Explain and demonstrate the basic skills required to play each sport, including passing, dribbling, shooting, catching, and throwing.

4. Teamwork Exercise (10 mins):

Use cones or markers to create a square or rectangle shape on the field. Instruct the students to catch the ball and throw it to their teammates. The objective is to get as many passes as possible without the ball being intercepted by the opposing team.

5. Cooldown Activity (5 mins):

Finish off the class with a cooldown activity such as stretching or breathing exercises.


By the end of the class, students have learned the names of different sports in English and basic skills relevant to team sports. The teamwork exercise provides an opportunity for students to work together and build communication skills. This lesson plan can be repeated with different sports and variations to keep the class engaging and challenging.